This many flavoured brew does miracles to your taste buds. ½ pint Double Diamond strong tea 6 oz. Sugar ½ pint orange squash 4 tbsps. Lemon juice 2 small bottles ginger ale 1 large bottle lemonade 1 orange, sliced Put the tea in a bowl, add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Add the orange squash and lemon juice and strain. Chill. Just before serving mix in the ginger ale, lemonade and orange slices. Beyond Tea
best of both the worlds - the malty taste of tea with the
tangy taste of fruits, these recipes brew heady tumblers
that make wonderful delights for home and parties.
4 oz. Sugar 2 pints water ¼ pint strong fresh Shakti tea, strained ¼ pint fruit syrup ( e.g rose hip) ¼ pint orange squash ¼ pint lemon squash ¼ pint pineapple squash 1 small botle lemonade 12 fresh or canned cherries 2 bananas, sliced Ice Boil the sugar and ¼ pint water together for 5 minutes. Add the cooled tea, the rest of water, the fruit syrup and fruit squashes. Chill and when ready to serve add the other ingredients and the ice.
1 ½ pts. Duncans Tea liquor 1 x 1 lb. 3 oz. can unsweetened pineapple juice 1 tsp. angostura bitters 2 oz. gin or ¼ tsp. rum essence 1 orange, sliced thinly Combine the ingredients ina large pitcher. Chill well before serving.
4 oz. Runglee Rungliot Tea. 1 tablespoon unsweetened orange concentrate 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped mint Low calorie tonic In large glass combine tea, orange concentrate and mint. Stir with ice, and top with low calorie tonic. Decorate
with mint and orange twist.
Slice two peaches into a bowl. Pour over 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice then add 2 tablespoons of vodka and 1 pint of Runglee Rungliot tea liquor. When ready to serve, add 1 small bottle of low calorie bitter lemon. Add a few fresh raspberries when serving. Serves 6
exciting combinations of tea and alcohol help to enliven
your 'spirits' - say cheers and indulge ! Click below for more recipes: |
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